Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Bloggies website was fun. I could spend hours going through the many catagories. Teh 2007 winner postsecret was a little sad but very compeling.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Me and my photo


Today I loaded a photo of me (Pat and Andy are in the background) at Lick Observatory. We were able to go in Sept 05. I'd been wanting to go for a while but never seemed to get the tickets on time. My daughter Lua was thinking about studying astronomy at the time. While she loved the observatory and had a great experience she decided to study physics.
We were the last guests to leave the Observatory that night so it was pretty late and dark out. A spectaluar harvest moon was setting over the Santa Cruz mountains. We tried to take pictures but they didn't turn out, not enough light. We saw Dorothy there and listened to her famous talk about the history of the Observatory.

This is fun,

Monday, June 18, 2007

Welcome to Panza de Mono

Welcome to my new blog. I'm looking forward to learn 21 new things this summer. I've been wanting to learn about blogs and wikis and plan to have fun with it. Please leave comments.

PS you might wonder what Panza de Mono stands for. Tune back in to find out.